Improving the Payments Experience – Platforms, Infrastructure and Beyond @Money 20/20

​Rapidly expanding ecommerce has generated huge volumes of money flows in online channels. Increasingly, online transactions are shifting to mobile ecommerce. This has resulted in a heightened risk of hacking of mobile transactions, and a cybersecurity response of increasingly cumbersome authentication methods. At the same time, consumers are frustrated by current methods of authentication, and cart abandonment on mobile has skyrocketed to 86 percent of carts. So, what is the future of ecommerce security? Is it possible to provide a balance of strong security and a better user experience that is conducive to the continued growth of ecommerce? Watch this interview with Lea Tarnowski, COO of Averon, live from Money20/20 in Las Vegas, where she discusses:
  • Flaws in current methods of authentication
  • What an ideal authentication process looks like for consumer-based websites
  • The future of ecommerce security
  • The state of identity verification in mobile commerce today
  • The biggest friction points for users looking to make a payment online

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